02.07, 03.07, 05.07, 06.07.2021

Lina Lapelytė Brussels / Vilnius

What happens with a dead fish?

installation / performance — premiere

FLOW swimming pool

⧖ 30min | Open air | Standing performance

In her artistic practice, Lina Lapelytė investigates how the pop aesthetic of music could be a vehicle for amplifying a message. In her latest work – winner of the latest Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale together with Vaiva Grainyte and Rugile Barzdžiukaite – she has created a hyper-realistic, multi-voice beach musical about global warming. For the opening of the first public open-air swimming pool in Brussels, Lina Lapelytė creates new musical performance work for local choir singers about being a fish, going down, the fragility and eternity. Brussels has no public outdoor swimming pools. Although the debate has been going on for years, last summer, with thousands of families unable to travel, access to places of leisure became even more important. For instance, who has access to the coast? What attempts are being made for privatisation and the reiteration of logics of systemic discrimination? For summer 2021, Pool is Cool and Decoratelier, with the support of the festival, make the dream of many come true by building an open-air swimming pool next to the bridge Pierre Marchant, which is set to stay open all summer. The work of Lina Lapelytė appears as a live musical for its opening days and as a sonic installation around the pool, becoming a hybrid space of bathers and spectators, with some narratives existing beneath the water’s surface.

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What happens with expired food?
What happens with retired wood?
What happens with your body liquids?
What happens when you are not there?
What happens with your fallen hair? 

What happens when you lose a signal?

What happens What happens?
What happens What happens?
What happens What happens?

No sharp tools
No sleek shoes
No used perfumes
No silver spoons
No extra plates
No special creams   

I will give my eyes to turtles
Shark will eat my rotten guts
Tail will sink into the bottom
Scale will melt into the flood

What will we have for the dinner
What will we have for the dinner
What will we have for the dinner
What will we have for the dinner     

What happens when you forget to breath?     
What happens if the air is not what you need?

What happens What happens?
What happens What happens?
What happens What happens?

What happens when you forget to breath?
What happens when you have no needs?


→ see also: FLOW, FLOWING conversation

Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts-Pool is Cool-Decoratelier

Conception, music, direction: Lina Lapélytė | Commissioned and produced by Kunstenfestivaldesarts | Choir leader: Floris Lammens | Ceramic objects made in collaboration with: Lisa Egio & Elliot Kervyn (Frizbee ceramics) | Costumes: Justė Maldžiūnaitė | Singers: Lot Lemm, Nathalie Mollet, Moumy Chahou, Ann Vandencasteele, Irene Rossi, Hilde Sagon, Isabelle Van Asbroeck, Miek Rijsbosch, Catherine Zubkow, Chris Renson, Bart Onsia, Joachim Put, Erik Vandecasteele, Ulli De Leener, Raf Custers, Sophie Wiedemann, Marie-Carmen De Zaldo, Amélie Plateau, Aurélie Alessandroni, Rebecca Sforzani, Brussels Experimental, La Main sur le Cœur | Production assistant: Agne Kupryte | Supported by: Flagey | Thanks to: WIOS vzw

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