09 — 11.05.2015
Bouchra Ouizguen Marrakesh
Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale / Huis van Culturen en Sociale Samenhang / La Monnaie / De Munt / Vier Winden Basisschool
⧖ 35min | Open air performance
“A performance combining a trance with the rhythmical roaring of female wildcats, in which the hypnotic swaying is reminiscent of animals in motion.” This is how Bouchra Ouizguen, a choreographer particularly concerned with women’s place in society, describes the show Corbeaux which premiered during the last arts biennale in Marrakech. Dressed in black and wearing white headscarves, archetypal and yet remarkable, some thirty women move forward and then come to a halt, undertaking physical and vocal actions ranging from repetitions to variations, swelling up until they explode in the form of a vital, earthy cry from the womb. Ouizguen is now recreating Corbeaux with a group of women from Marrakech and Brussels. During the festival, these black birds will take over different public spaces, leading us off into their cathartic trance before abandoning us again with just ourselves.
Out of the darkness gloomy and silent silhouettes emerge. They stop. Then start to move again in a geometrical and alchemical device. Finally they come to a halt to embark on a performance that combines something of a trance and the intermittent roaring of female wildcats, in which the hypnotic swaying motion is reminiscent of animals in motion, of confined females that mankind likes so much to display.
But Corbeaux is something else too: it is the essential expression of femininity, its spawning power, supremacy that has the art of giving life bestowed on it. Corbeaux gives life to a female Gregorian chant. Haunting and worrying, it takes away your status as an onlooker to give you the more gratifying status as a spectator of your own intimacy. You are elsewhere. They are too. Higher, near the Light from which their bodies seem to flee, close to a cathartic other world where they ask us to join them.
Together, we – them and us – visit our outer limits, those of our conceptions, of our coming into the World, raised together towards this Mother-Light before returning, dazzled and shaking for ever, towards our dark lives as men standing upright.
Corbeaux is therefore a variation of something of which Bouchra Ouizguen is fond: origin, feeling, a Connection, connection to the Mother, connection to the Earth, connection to Love. Through the intervention of a contrived brutality, the choreographic intensity is just fragility and suggestion. It marks out the relationship between seeing and being seen, erasing the boundaries to return to what is essential: being there. Together.
Then, dislocated, cataleptic, the silhouettes leave us. Bigger. More sure of our own uncertainties to return to the darkness: black birds.
Artistic direction & choreography
Bouchra Ouizguen
Performed by
Fatna Ibn El Khatyb, Khadija Amrhar, Milouda El Maataoui, Malika Soukri, Zahra Bensslam, Fatima Jaafro, Hasnae El Ouarga, Noura Oujoute, Bouchra Ouizguen, Fatima El Hanna, Kabboura Ait Ben Hmad, Halima Sahmoud, in collaboration with Fadila Hosna, Fabienne Lichtert, Noëlvie, Delphine Dupuy, Mariam Faquir, a.o.
Production manager
Fanny Virelizier
Thanks to
Han De Meulemeester (Brede School Molenbeek), Le Grand Studio, the pupils of Vier Winden Basisschool, Jenneke Cauwels, Els Lenaerts, Nedjma Hadj, Caleidoscoop (VGC/De Vaartkapoen)
Vier Winden Basisschool project in collaboration with
De Veerman
Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean / Huis van Culturen en Sociale Samenhang van Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, La Monnaie/De Munt, Vier Winden Basisschool
Cie O (Marrakech)
Supported by
Institut français du Maroc