Vrijwilligers + bénévoles = vrijwillevoles! Our volunteers are not only an indispensable aid in the organisation of the festival, they also form a community of people we like to keep close to our heart. Throughout the year, they meet regularly for outings to the theatre or other cultural activities with the festival team. Would you like to join? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact: Emilie Kabongo | emilie.kabongo@kfda.be | +32 (0)2 226 45 73
Thank you to the 2023 volunteers team: Rova Ratsimbazafy, Kaya Freeman, Mustafa Aboulkhir, Lente Leyssens, (Ange)lika, Bibi Onsea, Francesca Boldrin, Gino Vandenborne, Jacob Thierry, Sophia Nakata, Luz de Amor, Salomé Elbaz Bouhessira, Juliette Framorando, Estelle Vanmalle, Igor Delogne, Lisa Roberti, Ellée Civade, Lauranne Paulissen, Quentin Chevalier, Celine Vandermeulen, Stefania Occhionorelli, Charlotte Moyson, Chengwen Hsueh, Bartira Macedo Pereira, Marie de neiges de Lantsheere, Sadrie Alves, Natalya Ivannikova, Louise Battini, Fatima Obda, Géraldine Durieux, Artisom Kamovich, Luna Andréa, Angélique Sourire, Isabelle van der Stockt, Gemimah, Carlotta Lateur, Ioana Voicila, Erekle Mgeladze, Fatima Obda, Mouna De Waele, Camille Fontaine and all those who join us along the way. Without all of them the festival would not be possible!