Thank you for May, see you in July!
We've had a very sunny last festivalweekend in May, a few days to rest and now we're ready to prepare one more additional week for you in July.
Save the date: 01 ー 08.07 will be filled with projects in open air, in theatres and even in a swimming pool. Get ready for exhibitions, theatre pieces, dance performances, trilogies and more. Brought to you by artists from New York, Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok, Paris, Kyoto, Stockholm, Caen, Seoul, Ghent, Vilnius and of course Brussels.
- - Sara Sejin Chang - Four Months, Four Million Light Years
- Hamza Halloubi - You left me my lips, and they shape words, even in silence
- Jaha Koo - The Hamartia Trilogy: Lolling and Rolling, Cuckoo, The History of Korean Western Theatre
- Wichaya Artamat - Four Days in September (The Missing Comrade) สี่วันในเดือนกันยา

Ayaka Nakama - Freeway Dance © Beatriz Klewais (RHoK)