
Around the kitchen table: a Free School podcast

A podcast series in three parts seeking to archive and amplify contributions to the Free School 2024: Around the kitchen table, from thinkers and activist collectives such as Sara Ahmed, Silvia Federici, Anna Rispoli, Territorio Doméstico, and La Ligue des travailleuses domestiques sans papiers (CSC Brussels).

In the context of the Free School 2024, we invited artists, thinkers and activists to question the space of the kitchen table as a place for sharing food, a place where stories converge, but also a culmination of a history of domestic labour that is often invisible. Consisting of lecture fragments, workshop exchanges, or audio snippets from moments of joyful activism through dance or song, this podcast is dedicated to the feminist struggle around the kitchen table: to contesting institutional violence, to finding queer uses of hostile structures, to fighting for the dignified and joyful life that is denied to you.

This podcast includes exchanges with domestic workers and participants in A life worth living: a workshop on struggle, care and joy, a four-day school set up by Anna Rispolit that retraced their resistance strategies and tools: for representation, for staging complaints, demanding your rights, and fighting with joy as a political weapon. The series concludes with the lecture of the feminist author Sara Ahmed who uses the role of the table to question our relationship with power.

  1. Silvia Federici & Territorio Doméstico – Without us, the world does not move (EN)
  2. La Ligue des Travailleuses domestiques sans papiers & Territorio Doméstico – Qui prend soin de celles qui prennent soin ? (FR)
  3. Sara Ahmed – Setting the Table: Reflections on How Tables Matter (EN)

You can listen to the podcasts on Spotify or Apple Podcast from 27 June 2024.

Editing and direction: Leslie Doumerx | Mixing: Arthur Lacomme | Jingle: Madame Patate | Additional sound recording: Colettes!
With the participation of Territorio Doméstico, La Ligue des travailleuses domestiques sans papiers (CSC Bruxelles), Sara Ahmed, Silvia Federici and Anna Rispoli
Thank you to: Anna Rispoli, Teresa Gentile, Nina Ferrante, Lisa Coppi, Magali Verdier, Anna Brotman-Krass, Anna Poels
In the framework of Kunstenfestivaldesarts 2024 - Free School: Around the kitchen table


website by lvh