We would like to thank all the partners who help make the festival a reality. Kunstenfestivaldesarts wouldn’t be possible without the support of several theatres, arts centres, organizations and associations in Brussels. We thank them all for their collaboration and commitment.

Article 27, Athénée Royal du Sippelberg, Audioscenic, La Bodega, Centre Scolaire du Sacré-Coeur de Jette, Cifas (Centre International de Formation en Arts du Spectacle), CeC Le Chant des Rues, Cité des Jeunes ASBL, Compagnie Cordial, Cosens, Cultureghem, Cuerpo Sur, CVO Lethas, D’Broej youth centres, Dahk (Toestand), De Schakel, DoucheFLUX, erg (Ecole de Recherche Graphique), Foyer vzw, Globe Aroma, Hobo - Fortisi’a, Huis van het Nederlands, IAD (Institut des Arts de Diffusion), Institut Saint-Luc, Jes Brussel, KASK - School of Arts Gent, Lasso, Lire et Écrire ASBL, Promo Jeunes AMO, RITCS (Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound - Erasmushogeschool Brussel), Paspartoe, Pzazz, rile*, Sortir avec les mains, Tracé Brussel.
Kunstenfestivaldesarts is made possible thanks to
Public support

Media partners

Cultural partners and sponsors