Lia Rodrigues, Faustin Linyekula
Inventing Schools #2
free school / talks & encounters
French | ⧖ 1h
The Free School comes to a close with a dialogue between Lia Rodrigues and Faustin Linyekula, to continue to feed the reflection initiated during 10 days around the forms of pedagogical transmission. In addition to her work as a choreographer, Lia Rodrigues believes in the synergy between creation and social processes. In 2009, the Centro de Artes was founded in Maré, one of the largest favelas in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), in collaboration with the Redes association. Since 2012 there is also the Escola Livre de Dança da Maré, a free school that offers theatre lessons, neighbourhood meetings, dance and music shows to more than 300 students. Dancer and choreographer Faustin Linyekula founded Studios Kabako in Kisangani (DRC), a place of training, research, creation and exchange for Congolese and international artists. Viewing to stimulate decentralisation and inclusion in the area, this initiative confirms the possibility of cultural influence in a country where legitimacy most often comes from the international community.
Based on their experiences, which specifically respond to the artistic and socio-economic context in which they develop, Lia Rodrigues and Faustin Linyekula open up new perspectives on the possible ways of artistic transmission today.
See also:
Lia Rodrigues, Fúria
Faustin Linyekula, Congo
Free School: Núcleo Dance Class
With: Lia Rodrigues & Faustin Linyekula
Moderator: Flore Herman