07 — 11.05, 14 — 18.05.2014
Kate McIntosh Brussels
⧖ ±1h | Advanced booking required at the box office
Worktable is an invitation to break everyday objects. Armed with safety goggles and a bunch of tools, you can brutally hack to pieces or gently disassemble a teacup, an umbrella, an alarm clock or a newspaper – nothing is allowed to remain intact in this living installation! Waste is, however, not the issue. Other instructions, other spaces, other actions are to follow. New Zealand artist Kate McIntosh, who has been based in Brussels since 2000, cheerfully jumbles together this and that to achieve a body of work that rattles our daily habits. With Worktable she sets in motion a chain of events that causes you to think about the material world around us, through giving objects a value beyond their practical use. With a captious play of actions and memories, McIntosh questions our incessant urge to produce. With a manual under the arm, she sends us away – one spectator at a time – to face our own responsibility. There is work to be done!
Worktable is a live installation open for several days.
You must sign in to enter, and you can stay as long as you like. Once inside you’ll be given instructions, equipment and safety goggles so you can get to work. It’s up to you how things come apart, and how they fall together.
Sign in and get to work.
Concept & realization
Kate McIntosh
With thanks to
Stéphanie Croibien, Anda Skrējāne, Hannah Sullivan, Bruno Roubicek, Hester Chillingworth, Caroline Daish, Palli Banine, Ant Hampton, Joe Kelleher, Tim Etchells, Adrian Heathfield, Simon Bayly
Kunstenfestivaldesarts, BOZAR
SPIN (Brussels)
Worktable was commissioned in the frame of the event ‘Performance Is a Dirty Work’ funded by Roehampton University