Confronted with the SARS-CoV-2 crisis, we had to cancel this project.
We Are Before is a performance and lecture on the experience of sharing a space, a gesture that will be launching the News From Home festival. Over the last seven years, without being asked or invited, artist Sarah Vanhee has turned up to several meetings that were already underway and started talking about how we live together as human beings and the way in which society is everyone’s co-creation. By making her “guerrilla” speech, she turned each meeting into a political moment. She has surprised more than 8,000 people like this, disrupted their everyday lives with questions both big and small about life. This project was first presented at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in 2013 under the title Lecture For Every One. It then spread to a dozen countries, but remained largely invisible. Like a virus. She is now back in Brussels to share this story of words, love, violence and connection. About people, alone and together. It’s a story about what it means today to express oneself. About the possibility or impossibility of talking to everyone... And about the fact that we are still before. Before the war starts, before we embrace, before we really decide. How, even today, we are before. This lecture-performance is being presented at the same time as the publication of We Are Before.
See also: Lecture For Every One-20
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts-Charleroi danse in the frame of News From Home
Performance and text: Sarah Vanhee
Production: Manyone
Coproduction: CAMPO, Vooruit, kunstencentrum BUDA, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, STUK, BIT Teatergarasjen & Skogen
Book published and distributed by: APE