21.05, 23.05, 25.05, 26.05.2018

Dudu Quintanilha São Paulo / Frankfurt am Main


— premiere

KANAL-Centre Pompidou

French, English, Portuguese → NL, FR | ⧖ 40min | € 8 / € 6 (-25/65+) | Meet the artist after the performance on 23/05

Dudu Quintanilha’s art is rooted in the city. The Brazilian artist develops it in dialogue with people he meets by chance on his urban wanderings. In São Paolo, where he lives and works, he is one of the founders of Mexa, a project aimed at and involving some of the most socially vulnerable in the city. In Brussels, during a residence lasting several weeks, he visits skate parks and community centres, engages in conversation, and invites the people he has got to know to join him in his canal-side studio. At the end of this process, a video creates a set of performative acts by improvised “actors” who – provoked, seduced and (dis)oriented – reveal to the camera aspects of their personalities that they themselves were unaware of. In these “performative videos”, the body and the language seem to send signals from a dark place. They say what consensus cannot articulate. “I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world” (J. G. Ballard)

See also

Art & Populism – Brazilian arts under attack on 18/05 – 18:30

read more

PeuP- is a gathering. A sensorial meeting where words have the same weight of images and memories are constructed and re-constructed. The present. The video. Is hybrid. Each one has a different experience and keep different images of it, spectral like light trespassing a crystal. It is incomplete but nothing is missing. Full of air, it breathes. Physical waves touching the skin of the ones present. The ones absent are images but they are also entities that can touch. They have listen to each other and they give space for things to sink into the unknown spaces. Do you want that story? I will start again.

We believe in the imagination and it’s capacity to remake the world. Seventeen people met in a blue space following no script, they created waves of movements, thought, feelings, air and water. It was cold and humid and we experience tiredness and we investigated each other. Questions and answers, hands and eyes and a camera. Appearing and disappearing into the blue that feels like old dusty velvet curtains. The sweetness of lost memories.  The common space that emerges from memories constructed together. PeuP- is also the violent act of organizing, of gathering things under a certain criteria. PeuP- is also what is lost under this process. We will fulfill desires you don’t know we have. The concreteness of the images might become abstract trough duration. 

Carolina Mendonça (dramaturge of PeuP-)

Direction Dudu Quintanilha

Performed by Atlal Amamou, Christophe Vuylsteke, Jo Heyvaert, Juriji der Klee, Ken Ruben Butare Kano, Mavi Veloso, Mehdi Ben Hsain, Thiago Antunes, Rojah Lao, Samir Aghmiri, Soufiane Kallouch, Vinicius Massucato & Yassin Azaal 

Dramaturgy Carolina Mendonça

Editing Bertrand Flanet

Music Francisco Ali-Brouchoud 

Colour Luisa Cavanagh

Camera collaboration Ibro Hasanovic

Presentation Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kanal – Centre Pompidou, Allee Du Kaai

Production Kunstenfestivaldesarts

Coproduction Kanal – Centre Pompidou

With the support of Allee Du Kaai, le Centre Communautaire Maritime

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