06.05, 07.05, 13.05, 14.05, 20.05, 21.05.2018

Leandro Nerefuh, Caetano, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche São Paulo




English → NL, FR | ⧖ ±1h/±3h(inandout) | € 14 / € 11 (-25/65+) / € 16 / € 13 (-25/65+) | Meet the artists after the performance on 7/05

The sun and its images are often used and associated with narratives of progress and productivity. They create what is defined as a solar capitalism, an attempt to take hold of the solar myth: the light, the movement of the earth, water tides and all animal coitus become a capitalist machine, and even cosmologies are at the risk of being colonized. A group of performers from different disciplines (dance, performance, sound,…) embarks on a journey that wishes to reclaim a non-productive – and almost destructive – presence of the sun. They freely merge archaic, pre-capitalist and futuristic imaginary. Is it possible to narrate a myth exceeding the simple use of language, articulated by magnificent costumes, movements, animals and tropical rhythm? For their last two (and longer) performances they invite others to create an unexpected moment beyond the limits of a single form. Exuberant.

Sunday 6 May — 20:30>21:30


Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar em tua flor...

special guest: Bartira

Monday 7 May — 20:30>21:30


no guts no galaxy - me diz a reza que eu reza me diz a reza que eu reza me diz a reza

special guest: Bartira

Sunday 13 May — 20:30>21:30


um pente é um pente cataclisma - a desert is a desert

special guest: Las Chicas

Monday 14 May — 20:30>21:30


produções pedra q ronca

special guests: Las Chicas and Tarek Halaby

Sunday 20 May — 20:30>23:30 -- intermission -- Monday 21 May 15:00>18:00


13000 URCYBP (uncalibrated radiocarbon years beyond present)

special guests: Bartira, Enkidu, DJ Vinicius Variações

See also

Art & Populism - Brazilian arts under attack on 18/05 – 18:30

read more


In the beginning, there was a luminous bang, and vapours. besides, a new cosmic era took up the thread of eternal becoming. 

the Sun would come to an end, so they believed, that everything had been regulated from eternity. the passage to a new Sun or a new epoch was to occur catastrophically through a radical hecatomb, which would instantaneously revolutionize the universe.

Antú ie máy

Antú ie máy

Antú ie máy

under what conditions life will necessarily cease to exist? beings only die to be born. plants rise in the directions of the Sun and the core of the earth. matter forms and instantaneously join o fluxo. disasters, revolutions and volcanoes do not make love to the stars, they antagonise with the heavens.

thinking spirits understood the end of the world in terms of the end of the forest-of-all-spheres and the elimination of any future time. they called it ‘absolute evil’ or ‘Solar Capitalism had covered everything’.

what remains after the extinction of the Sun? an impenetrable burned disk. erasing one myth and creating another. Solar Capitalism will try anything to reignite the sun. which means to reignite the core of the earth as une machine puissante. which means bots drones algorithms waters metals rocks gases human bodies seeds, all naphtha burning fuel. all earth is all fossil fuel for the Solar Empire that strive to rule from satellites and such. striving to outdo Earth, Solar Capitalism strives to be the inextinguishable fire itself. napalm nafta benzine petroleum blood cacao pimenta chilly, coconut oil, frisoles, chia, maiz. the reign of the Sixth Sun, Sol invictus. 

the search for reason for the world was the necessary manifestation of a being that assumed an unstable, vertical position. hence all the back pain and knee problems humans have. they are só arrogant. now they want to space x the red planet and set up colony. 

– Poor devils, they do not know that we are also demonic. Laughter.

– To you, to all of you together who dwell in this land we have come here to hear your laments… and nothing will save you from thermal death. not any device you might create. not any chemo. not any shelter. only plants who only show themselves to those they appreciate.

some people say that solar laziness is…

the natives laziness is the conscious sabotage of the colonial machine; on the biological plane it is a remarkable system of auto-protection; and in any case it is a sure brake upon the seizure of whole enclaves by occupying powers. what power does the Sun have against a people who enjoy the rythms of their own lombra? 

o Sol da idade e o sal das lágrimas. a sábia preguiça Solar.

– There is nothing new under the Sun. But there are new Suns.

each sacred thing must be in its proper place. if one sacred thing is lost, the entire order of the universe is destroyed.

expenditure? no! expenditure? yes! expenditure? maybe!

if a Clovis Horizon suck up the heat from the sun my bodies will explode into a million volcanoes.

and we will have paid back our cosmological debt to nature. and we will have concentrated again in the form of billion-ton clouds of magnetized gas which will again produce suns, planetary systems, etc. and we shall celebrate with barbaric music.

Text & research Leandro Nerefuh   

Conception & performance Caetano, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Ribidjunga Cardoso   

All material licensed under Libidiunga Commons 2018 

Entities (Clovis Culture)


Adapted from ‘turma os crías’, 2014 


Adapted from ‘turma união realengo’, 2016  


Original design libidiunga cardoso, 2018   


Adapted from turma unknown, 2008 

Special guests Bartira, Dj Vinicius Variações  

Special thanks to kika, gó e maria (a xeretinha), lu mugayar, cidinha, camila prima, aninha, marssares, solo shows são paulo, seu hélio (oráculo de realengo)  

Presentation Kunstenfestivaldesarts, KVS 

Production Kunstenfestivaldesarts   

Coproduction Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek (Brussels), wpZimmer (Antwerp)   

Residency partners Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek (Brussels), wpZimmer (Antwerp), Stuk (Leuven), KVS top (Brussels), Nadalokal (Vienna)  

Programming partners Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Centrale Fies (Dró, 2017), Live Arts Week VII, Xing (Bologna, 2018)

website by lvh