18 — 20.05.2018

Gwendoline Robin Brussels


performance — premiere

Les Halles de Schaerbeek

⧖ 1h20 | € 16 / € 13 (-25/65+) | Standing / no seats | Meet the artist after the performance on 19/05

Gwendoline Robin’s sculptural performances connect the body with the natural elements: fire, earth, water, and air. In her new creation, A.G.U.A., together with dancer Louise Vanneste, she activates various installations, composed around a large surface of water. The sterile landscape is disrupted by fleeting human actions and natural reactions. Sound, movement, and matter awaken a series of tableaux – quivering, seething, or explosive. Robin associates art with science and explores the physical state of matter and material. Her interventions carry in themselves a renewed relationship between man and environment, although the threat of polluting beauty and irreparable mutation is never far away...

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The Brussels-based visual and performance artist Gwendoline Robin has developed an international reputation with work that explores the relationship between humanity and nature. Her new creation A.G.U.A. confronts the elements head-on.

Gwendoline Robin In the visual arts, you rarely see the artists themselves in the process of creating their works. I thought it would be interesting to show this aspect as well. That is how I came to combine performance in my work. The audience becomes an active witness.  

Your work is at the intersection of the sculptural and the performative, the poetic and the scientific. You do not shy away from some literal fireworks.

I have always loved working with materials that you cannot completely control. The performances are often related to natural elements like water, fire, or earth. Volcanoes, geysers, the desert: these are all sources of inspiration. The humble position of human beings in the face of these strong elements is the leitmotif of these performances. 

A number of journeys also played a role in the creation of A.G.U.A.

Crossing the Atacama Desert in Chile, one of the driest places in the world, it inspired me to use the image of a huge plain where water is very scarce and valuable. There is also an interesting film about the Atacama Desert, Nostalgia de la luz, by Patricio Guzmán. It links the desert to stardust and the comets in the cosmos that leave their traces on earth. While at a festival in Punta Arenas in Patagonia, I also became fascinated by the stories of the disappeared indigenous people, whose rituals and songs still attest to a relationship with nature that was about harmonious coexistence. 

Voices add an extra layer to the performance, which also features the dancer Louise Vanneste. GR We are not singers, so our sounds are more like a vague memory of the songs of the old tribes. Louise’s presence helps to make you feel the loneliness of the great plains.  

Finally, there is also a subtle link to science because the Festival de Liège put Robin in touch with professors of oceanology and astronomy who provided her with instruments and techniques.  

(MB, Bruzz)

Concept, direction & choreography

Gwendoline Robin

Choreographic & dramaturgic assistance

Ida De Vos

Artistic support & light creation

Simon Siegmann


Gwendoline Robin & Louise Vanneste

Vocal researches

Kadi Abdelmalek

Scientific collaboration

Hervé Caps


Sylvestre Gobart


Jorge de la Torre


Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Les Halles de Schaerbeek


Kunstenfestivaldesarts, S.T. 10-13

Associated production

Entropie Production

Accompagnied by

Grand Studio


FAR° Festival des Arts Vivants, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Le Vivat Scène conventionnée d’Armentières, NEXT vzw, Théâtre de Liège dans le cadre du Festival Impact, La Coop asbl


Grand Luxe Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin, Kunstencentrum BUDA, La Bellone – Maison du Spectacle, Université de Liège

With the support of

Cocof – Scènes Chorégraphique, Commission Interdisciplinaire Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Shelterprod, Taxshetler.be, ING & Taxshelter of the Belgian Federal Government

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