Like any self-respecting postcard, the Postcards From The Future are linked to the place they depict. They are also each associated with a precise moment in the future. Sending out scenes such as they might be experienced subsequently, more than memories they are invitations to verify the future. Participative science fiction scenarios. Since September 2010, the C&H collective has been sending out a postcard a month dedicated to a part of the Brussels region. Produced in collaboration with a vast network of local people and institutions, the photographed scenes reconsider the invisible cities hidden behind “Brussels”. In May, C&H will be staging the centre of the capital in the future. A giant traffic jam paralyses Rue de Flandre, the historic gateway to the city centre. Perhaps it is the paradox of mobility that it brings its opposite with it… However, could immobility allow the public space and the social interactions that take place there to be reinvented? It’s up to us to engage movement!
A project by
C&H (Heike Langsdorf, Christophe Meierhans, Christoph Ragg)
Concept & realization
Christophe Meierhans
Production & artistic assistance
Susanne Weck
Project coordination
Jean Schols, KVS
Inhabitants and shop keepers of the Rue de Flandre, participating car drivers and their automobiles
Christophe Meierhans
3D imaging
Video documentation
Philippe Chatelain
Raphael Bastide
Graphic design
Kunst/Werk vzw
KVS (Brussels), workspace Brussels
With the support of
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Vlaamse Gemeenschap
In partnership with
La Bellone, Maison du Spectacle, CIFAS, Q-Park, CAMBIO, Careco, STIB
Thanks to
Ville de Bruxelles/Stad Brussel