Pieter De Buysser

Pieter De Buysser (b. 1972) is a Brussels-based Belgian theatre and film director and writer. He studied philosophy in Antwerp and Paris and since then has been writing fiction and non-fiction, theatre and non-theatre and performs his own work on stage – as a non-clown, speculative realist and transformatador in one. His fables are political, radical, epic and concrete. His works have been invited or commissioned by theatres and festivals such as the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kaaitheater (Brussels), Berliner Festspiele, Taipei Festival, Biennale Wiesbaden, New Plays from Europe, Dublin Festival, Melbourne Festival, Baltoscandal Festival, Archa Theatre (Prague), Théâtre de la Bastille (Paris), Fondation Cartier Paris and HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin). For the last couple of years he has travelled extensively throughout Europe and beyond with the play An Anthology of Optimism (with Jacob Wren, 2009) and with his monologues Book Burning (2012) and Landscape with Skiproads (2014). His latest play The After Party, on the legacy of Václav Havel, premiered in March 2017 at Archa Theatre in Prague. His writings have been translated and staged in Polish, French, German, Italian and English. Besides his work for theatre, he has directed four short films: De Intrede, Solar, The Ambassador and You know you’re right. His first novel De Keisnijders was published in 2012 by De Geus in Belgium and was translated into Czech in 2016. Pieter De Buysser received the Emile Zola prize in 1998, the Dwarse Denkers award in 2011 and the Marie Kleine-Gartman Pen in 2012. In 2015, with Thomas Bellinck, he set up a new production company, ROBIN.

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