
Tony Cokes, Steve Goodman

On the Use of Music as an Instrument of Torture

KANAL-Centre Pompidou / K1

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Following a screening of Evil.16 (Torture.Musik) (2009-2011), Tony Cokes discusses his work with lecturer, electronic music producer, and Hyperdub label-head Steve Goodman.Goodman addresses sound as a force that can be deployed to produce a bad vibe, as explored in his book Sonic Warfare, Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear (2012), whereas Cokes’ video deals with the military use of music and sound as a weapon, psychological manipulation, or torture.

→ see also: The Politics of Music

Présentation : Kunstenfestivaldesarts, KANAL-Centre Pompidou, Kaaitheater

Un programme du Kunstenfestivaldesarts

En partenariat avec : The Funambulist, Radio AlHara, ARGOS, Courtisane, Auguste Orts, Mophradat, MIM, Lagrange Points

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